Faculty of Humanities  

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Bachelor FGW - Comm. and Inf. Studies ENG / NED

Bachelor FGW - Geschiedenis

Bachelor FGW - History and International Studies

Bachelor FGW - Literature and Society

Bachelor FGW - Media, Kunst, Design en Arch.

Bachelor FGW - Philosophy ENG / NED

Bachelor FGW - Philosophy, Politics and Economics

Master FGW - Arts & Culture ENG / NED

Master FGW - Comm. and Inf. Studies ENG / NED

Master FGW - History ENG / NED

Master FGW - Linguistics ENG / NED

Master FGW - Literary Studies ENG / NED

Minor FGW - Ancient Near Eastern L&C

Minor FGW - Cultuur van de antieke wereld

Minor FGW - European Urban and Cultural History

Minor FGW - Foreign Language Learning

Minor FGW - Highlights of the Ancient World

Minor FGW - Journalistiek

Minor FGW - Philosophy

Minor FGW - Praktische Filosofie

Minor FGW - Spaans

Minor FGW - Taal en Gehoor